An Cisteoir
As Treasurer of the Club, Mrs Angela Cassidy has responsibility for all club finance including Cash, Assets, Games Equipment, Fittings/Fixtures etc . The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Controller of the Club.
An Cisteoir is responsible for:
- The safe-keeping of the funds of the Club in conjunction with the Chairperson and Secretary.
- Ensuring that the personal property of the club is protected.
- Organization and management of the Club finances.
Main Duties
- Receive all monies on behalf the club.
- Act as an signatory on all club bank accounts.
- Keep an accurate set of accounts.
- Present the annual audited accounts to the AGM.
- Ensure that all receipts are kept .
- Ensure all fees are paid.
- Ensure that the club does not fall into debt.
- With the Chairperson and Secretary make important club decisions between Club Executive Meetings.
- Present a budget to the Executive Committee at the first Executive Committee meeting of the Year and at monthly meetings thereafter.
The treasurer must not commit the Club to any expenditure
for which prior approval has not been given by the Club Management Committee
Qualities of Treasurer
- A Planner who is ideally chairperson of the Finance Committee.
- An Organiser to assist in organising fund-raising.
- A Controller responsible for the day-to-day cash receipts & disbursements.
- A Recorder who accurately records all financial transactions..
- A Reporter who provides the Club Management committee with all financial information.
The Treasurer of the club does not have to be an accountant, but must have the ability to keep accurate records
Club Accounts – Cheque Book and Bank Statements
- The club must open a bank account (R 11.1)
- All cheques drawn must be signed by the treasurer and co-signed..
by the Secretary or Chairman (R 11.1) Cheques should not be pre-signed.
- To ensure accountability, all financial transactions in the club
should only take place by cheque .
The Executive Committee shall cause proper Books of Account
to be kept in respect of:
- All sums of money received and expended by the Club, and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place.
- All Sales and Purchases of goods by the Club.
- The Assets and Liabilities of the Club.
An Cisteoir should keep the following record books
- Income Record book.
- Payments Book .
- Invoice Book.
- Receipt Book .
- Notebook in which to enter monies received at matches, meetings and functions etc.
Keeping Records
- Make payments by cheque and retain cheque stubs.
- Pay nothing using cash!
- Retain all bank statements and ensure that cheque numbers correspond to those on the bank statement.
- All Bank statements to be forwarded to an officer other than cheque signatories.
- Use a lodgement book for all lodgements into the account.
- Enter transactions in Income and Expenditure Books.
- Give receipts for cash received and get receipts for cash paid out.
- Keep receipts on file.
Club Executive meetings.
The financial report to all monthly Executive meetings should include the following details:
- Income.
- Expenditure.
- Bank Balance(s) – with statements reconciled.
- List of accruals & prepayments (where appropriate).
- Details of investments & bank loans (where appropriate).
- Financial Commitments..
Treasurer’s Duties at the AGM
- The main duty of the treasurer at the AGM is to prepare an Annual Financial Statement and Balance Sheet (Rule 11.8)
- Report placed before the AGM for consideration.
- Copy of financial statement should be forwarded to clubs members prior to AGM (R 8.5.3).
- It is recommended that Annual Accounts should be audited independently.
- Financial statement to be approved by the Executive Committee prior to AGM, and signed by two of three officers – Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer (Rule 11.7)
The financial report presented to the AGM must include the following:
- Income.
- Expenditure.
- Bank Balances with statements reconciled.
- List of accruals and payments .
- Debts.
- Details of investments and bank loans.