Children’s Officer and Designated Person

Children’s Officer and Designated Person

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about
~Angela Schwindt

The role of the Children’s Officer is stipulated in the Association’s rules, and it is vital that all clubs have a Children’s Officer and Designated Person who command the trust and respect of the entire club membership to assume the role of the Children’s Officer and Designated Person, as stipulated in the GAA Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport and the GAA Code of Behaviour for all Persons Working with Young People. Both Officers should sit as a member of the club management committee and be vetted through the Garda or Access NI

Required Skills

  • Approachable with friendly manner
  • Good listener
  • Well organised
  • Motivated
  • Prepared to pass on concerns to the Provincial Council/Central Council and professional agencies if necessary

Main Duties

  • Ensure that the child protection procedures are understood and adhered to by all members.
  • Establish and maintain the complaints procedures.
  • Attend the GAA workshop ‘Good Practice & Child Protection’  renewable every three years
  • Be familiar with current child protection legislation and The Children Act 1989.
  • Understand the GAA Code of Ethics, child protection procedures, rules and regulations.
  • In the event of a complaint being made ensure that the complaints procedures are met and see the procedures through to the final decision.
  • If unable to attend any executive committee meeting, a report/apologies should be sent to the secretary.
  • Attend meetings of the County Youth Board as appropriate
  • Attending meetings of club youth committee as appropriate

We will aim to appoint a Children’s Officer of a different gender to the Designated Person.

The following individuals are the club’s Children’s Officer and Designated Officer  and are committed to following the best practice model as detailed above.


Children’s Officer

Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Mr B Lenehan


Designated Person

Name:   Mrs S Mc Goldrick